How many new faces come into the parish that we don't have the chance to connect with? How many regular faces show up in the pews that we know exactly what they are looking for? The goal of this journey is to make sure fewer people get lost in the crowd by creating more opportunities that help people connect to the parish, without relying on meeting every person who walks through the door.
This journey includes a parish pew card and a landing page template.
Pew cards can be placed throughout the parish to provide an easy way to connect with every person that comes through the parish. This simple card helps point regular and new parishioners to different opportunities in your parish.
Pew cards can be placed throughout the parish to provide an easy way to connect with every person that comes through the parish. This simple card helps point regular and new parishioners to different opportunities in your parish.
For those that maybe miss Sunday mass or the pew card, these social posts remind your community that you are continually seeking to connect and care for them. They promote an engaged and connected community, and invite even regular parishioners who may not feel connected, to take a step deeper into parish life.
For those that maybe miss Sunday mass or the pew card, these social posts remind your community that you are continually seeking to connect and care for them. They promote an engaged and connected community, and invite even regular parishioners who may not feel connected, to take a step deeper into parish life.
Remind new & regular parishioners about opportunities to connect.
Below is the recommended rollout plan and also a list of all the deliverables available to you. This isn’t the only way to do it! But we think it might be really effective.
When should I roll this out?
This journey can be rolled out whenever and run throughout the year. You can edit the journey based on the liturgical calendar too. For example, printing Advent versions that help people understand the season, or find Christmas mass times.
Provide a welcome card in the pews that help people quickly get to a landing page with options for them to connect. Each option we've chosen tries to offer different avenues for different needs and people. The card can be edited so your parish can add or edit the options that make more sense for your community.
Editing the QR code on the card is simple and we recommend using Simply add the url of your landing page once it's live and then download the QR code to add to your pew card.
Provide a welcome card in the pews that help people quickly get to a landing page with options for them to connect. Each option we've chosen tries to offer different avenues for different needs and people. The card can be edited so your parish can add or edit the options that make more sense for your community.
Editing the QR code on the card is simple and we recommend using Simply add the url of your landing page once it's live and then download the QR code to add to your pew card.
As an additional step, you can also promote on social media to remind those outside of Mass that there are opportunities for them to connect. This could help prep people for finding the pew card or be a reminder after Mass if they didn't see the pew card.
As an additional step, you can also promote on social media to remind those outside of Mass that there are opportunities for them to connect. This could help prep people for finding the pew card or be a reminder after Mass if they didn't see the pew card.