Do you desire for parishioners to engage even deeper with your homily? Do you wish to eliminate distractions or barriers? This campaign is for pastors to help sharpen their homilies through a trusted small group of parishioner feedback, giving perspective on clarity, tone, and delivery of the homily. This campaign is all about providing a safe space for you to gain insight from the real experiences of your parishioners and providing small but impactful changes. The goal of this campaign is to unite your parish, connect with parishioner felt needs, and transform your community.
This campaign includes two different feedback groups: Pre-Homily and Post-Homily.
Pre-Homily Feedback covers ideas, flow of communication, and clarity.
Post-Homily Feedback covers the tone of how you delivered the homily. We believe together, these groups can provide a holistic view to creating the most impact through your homilies.
A special thanks to Fr. Justin who created this and has used it for his own homilies for the past few years. We thank you for leading in this space and offering your tools to others.
Prayers written by Fr. Justin for the Pastor as he chooses feedback groups, and for the lay people as they offer feedback.
Prayers written by Fr. Justin for the Pastor as he chooses feedback groups, and for the lay people as they offer feedback.
Picking your feedback groups is not a small task. It requires finding people you deeply trust and who can be honest with you. It requires those with wisdom and maturity to be able to offer perspective and then take a step back. This document will help outline how and who to pick for your pre-homily and post-homily feedback group.
Picking your feedback groups is not a small task. It requires finding people you deeply trust and who can be honest with you. It requires those with wisdom and maturity to be able to offer perspective and then take a step back. This document will help outline how and who to pick for your pre-homily and post-homily feedback group.
Get a few points from Fr. Justin on who to ask for feedback.
Below are two documents to help guide your groups in giving effective feedback.
The feedback Form is specifically for your Post-Homily Feedback group. The form has simply questions to get a feel for the tone of your homily, and will be sent after your homily. You can build the form using basic templates from Google Form or Microsoft forms.
The Guidelines are for your Pre-Homily Feedback group. This provides helpful questions for them as they read through your homily.
Below are two documents to help guide your groups in giving effective feedback.
The feedback Form is specifically for your Post-Homily Feedback group. The form has simply questions to get a feel for the tone of your homily, and will be sent after your homily. You can build the form using basic templates from Google Form or Microsoft forms.
The Guidelines are for your Pre-Homily Feedback group. This provides helpful questions for them as they read through your homily.
These emails help invite you invite groups into this new initiative, set them to begin, and plan for a three-month review. These emails include variables like name, dates, form & PDF links, so be sure to edit those before sending.
These emails help invite you invite groups into this new initiative, set them to begin, and plan for a three-month review. These emails include variables like name, dates, form & PDF links, so be sure to edit those before sending.
Invite a small group to give you feedback your homily.
This is the first email to your group for homily tone feedback, including the form to fill out.
Intro to Pre-Homily Feedback Group
First week of Homily Feedback
This email can be sent to both groups to set up a three-month evaluation with the pastor.
We're excited to see how this can impact your parish. Below is a recommended rollout plan for you to follow in order to help make the series as impactful as possible.
When should I roll this out?
This campaign can be started at any time!
Asking someone to help you sharpen your homilies is a big ask for both parties. Ask God for surrender as you open yourself up to bringing others in as you teach. Ask God for the right people, who will be wise sounding boards.
Take time to consider the two groups of people you will be asking: Pre-Homily & Post-Homily Groups.
Pre-Homily Feedback Group: They will provide feedback on the ideas, clarity, messaging etc. before you deliver the homily. This group will be reading your homily and giving specific feedback.
Post-Homily Feedback Group: They will provide feedback after the homily on how the delivery came across. This group will be listening to your homily as they would any other weekend, and only filling out a few questions on your tone and delivery.
Asking someone to help you sharpen your homilies is a big ask for both parties. Ask God for surrender as you open yourself up to bringing others in as you teach. Ask God for the right people, who will be wise sounding boards.
Take time to consider the two groups of people you will be asking: Pre-Homily & Post-Homily Groups.
Pre-Homily Feedback Group: They will provide feedback on the ideas, clarity, messaging etc. before you deliver the homily. This group will be reading your homily and giving specific feedback.
Post-Homily Feedback Group: They will provide feedback after the homily on how the delivery came across. This group will be listening to your homily as they would any other weekend, and only filling out a few questions on your tone and delivery.
We recommend sending an email to ask your groups but it might be good to also do an in-person touchpoint. The two emails below are for the two different feedback groups. Each email includes the ask and expectations of each group.
Some things to consider when customizing the emails: When do you need feedback before giving your homily? How much time will you give people to read through?
We recommend sending an email to ask your groups but it might be good to also do an in-person touchpoint. The two emails below are for the two different feedback groups. Each email includes the ask and expectations of each group.
Some things to consider when customizing the emails: When do you need feedback before giving your homily? How much time will you give people to read through?
It's time to send your groups an introduction! These emails include guides for their specific feedback, and a prayer for them as they enter in. We also recommend always following up with a quick email or text when someone submits their feedback to recognize their time and effort.
The Guidelines can be sent as and the Form can be built using basic templates from Google Form or Microsoft forms. Once the form is built, copy a sharable link to the email template below.
It's time to send your groups an introduction! These emails include guides for their specific feedback, and a prayer for them as they enter in. We also recommend always following up with a quick email or text when someone submits their feedback to recognize their time and effort.
The Guidelines can be sent as and the Form can be built using basic templates from Google Form or Microsoft forms. Once the form is built, copy a sharable link to the email template below.
After a few weeks of receiving feedback, evaluate whether it's working for you. Are you getting back helpful notes? Is there something specific you wish your groups would focus on? Are these the right groups for you to feel encouraged and refined?
After a few weeks of receiving feedback, evaluate whether it's working for you. Are you getting back helpful notes? Is there something specific you wish your groups would focus on? Are these the right groups for you to feel encouraged and refined?
You can continue to ask for feedback every month, every few months, or every Sunday. It’s up to you and how much capacity you have to integrate feedback into homilies! There are no assets needed for this step as you can continue to send the same survey to your small group of confidants.
You can continue to ask for feedback every month, every few months, or every Sunday. It’s up to you and how much capacity you have to integrate feedback into homilies! There are no assets needed for this step as you can continue to send the same survey to your small group of confidants.