Do you desire for parishioners to experiencing personal joy and freedom over Lent? How can we invite parishioners to not just go through the motions but experience a personal and profound encounter?
The goal of this journey is to provide regular opportunities that invite parishioners into deeper reflection throughout the 40 days of Lent. Weekly emails invite individuals through an ongoing reflection of one verse, and social media posts point them towards how to make the most of their fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.
Weekly content to help parishioners reflect & pray.
Weekly content to help parishioners reflect & pray.
A collection of content to point parishioners towards Lent resources that can help encourage them in their prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
A collection of content to point parishioners towards Lent resources that can help encourage them in their prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Below is the recommended rollout plan and also a list of all the deliverables available to you. This isn’t the only way to do it! But we think it might be really effective.
Leading up to Lent, begin promoting ways people can prepare and think about their season of Lent.
Leading up to Lent, begin promoting ways people can prepare and think about their season of Lent.
Before Lent starts, download the email banners and email content. Insert them into your Flocknote, or other email builder, and schedule them once a week over the span of Lent. These emails will provide a verse & reflection for each week.
At this time, you can also request the Tilma Support team to build a resource page directly into your website.
Before Lent starts, download the email banners and email content. Insert them into your Flocknote, or other email builder, and schedule them once a week over the span of Lent. These emails will provide a verse & reflection for each week.
At this time, you can also request the Tilma Support team to build a resource page directly into your website.
Schedule or post social media posts throughout Lent. This content will help encourage people in their practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.
Schedule or post social media posts throughout Lent. This content will help encourage people in their practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.