This journey provides women’s small group material for your parish. This small group material is facilitated by Abiding Together and covers four core identities of a woman: daughter, sister, bride, and mother. Each week comes with a podcast, reflection, and group discussion question. This campaign can be broken into four different studies / seasons or done all together.
This is for women who desire personal freedom and to step more fully into who God has made them to be. When parishioners are operating within their identity, it will make way for an even more potent and Spirit-filled parish community.
The goal of this campaign is to provide meaningful space for women in your parish to gather and go deeper with themselves, God, and others.
Special thanks to The Abiding Together Team for providing such rich resources and partnering with us in making it even more accessible. Thank you to Craft and Being for creating such helpful and beautiful resources.
Touch base with attendees each week, providing them content and questions they need for the week leading up to weekly meetings.
Touch base with attendees each week, providing them content and questions they need for the week leading up to weekly meetings.
Invite the women in your parish to sign up for the study.
Send out emails to those you would like to lead discussion in the groups.
Send an introduction email to the study from the Abiding Together Team.
Weekly emails for all four parts of the identity study.
End off the series with a call to action.
Weekly questions and guides for leaders and attendees.
Weekly questions and guides for leaders and attendees.
Four weeks of discussion guides for the Daughterhood series of the study.
Four weeks of discussion guides for the sisterhood series of the study.
Four weeks of discussion guides for the Bride series of the study.
Four weeks of discussion guides for the Motherhood series of the study.
Promote the women's study in your weekly bulletin.
Promote the women's study in your weekly bulletin.
Promote the women's study around your parish and in your community.
Promote the women's study around your parish and in your community.
Larger poster for parish promotion.
Standard US Letter size for quick printing.
This step invites women to join the small groups and discover more of who God has made them to be. Print off posters, post on social media, and even send an email to all the women in your parish to invite them to register.
This step invites women to join the small groups and discover more of who God has made them to be. Print off posters, post on social media, and even send an email to all the women in your parish to invite them to register.
The size of groups can be determined by the number of women registered and the space available. The following assets imply that the groups will meet at the Parish, or a shared space, on the same night. If you aren’t able to host small groups in one space, there is an optional email for discussion leaders to send to group members with their group’s individual location & time. We’ve also included in this step an invitation to one member of each group to help host the small group discussion.
The size of groups can be determined by the number of women registered and the space available. The following assets imply that the groups will meet at the Parish, or a shared space, on the same night. If you aren’t able to host small groups in one space, there is an optional email for discussion leaders to send to group members with their group’s individual location & time. We’ve also included in this step an invitation to one member of each group to help host the small group discussion.
These emails can be sent each week to the small group. They include discussion questions, reflections, and the podcast to listen to each week. We recommend scheduling all these emails about a week ahead of the meeting time so everyone has enough time to prepare.
These emails can be sent each week to the small group. They include discussion questions, reflections, and the podcast to listen to each week. We recommend scheduling all these emails about a week ahead of the meeting time so everyone has enough time to prepare.
This step offers women next steps after the study is done to continue on in their journey of going deeper with God. This email will include resources, and an option to add a next step from your own discipleship pathway in your parish, such as joining a bible study group, volunteering in a program in your parish or more.
This step offers women next steps after the study is done to continue on in their journey of going deeper with God. This email will include resources, and an option to add a next step from your own discipleship pathway in your parish, such as joining a bible study group, volunteering in a program in your parish or more.