Prayer is integral to our faith life and discovering intimacy with Jesus. The goal of this journey is to carry parishioners through a simple 4-week email drip that gives them simple steps to integrate into their life and set them to integrate prayer into their life. This journey includes four emails with resources, a landing page filled with over 30 resources, and some promotional material.
Over four emails, invite parishioners to practice one discipline of their prayer life: daily examen, intercession, hearing God's voice, and creating a habit. We recommend scheduling these emails over the span of four weeks, giving time to integrate each new habit over a week.
Over four emails, invite parishioners to practice one discipline of their prayer life: daily examen, intercession, hearing God's voice, and creating a habit. We recommend scheduling these emails over the span of four weeks, giving time to integrate each new habit over a week.
The first email invites parishioner to practice the Examen for week 1.
Dear (Name),
(Anecdote about the impact and power of prayer)
Prayer is one of the most beautiful ways to get to know Jesus better and discover what He has in store for us. From my experience, many gifts await us when we take the time to pray with Him.
I invite you to join me on a magnificent journey to deepen our prayer lives. Here, I know you will experience the abundance of God's grace and discover something beautiful and new.
This week, I want to invite you to start the EXAMEN prayer. It's a simple prayer at the end of the day that takes just a minute or so. In this prayer, you reflect on your day, express gratitude to God for the good, and seek His forgiveness for the not-so-good.
If you already do this, try pausing for more intentional moments during the day to pray, such as when you wake up, during your lunch break, or when you leave work at the end of the day.
Resources to help with this first step:
“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Links to above resources:
*For TILMA Parishes, load these resources directly into your own website by updating the URL.
*For other Parishes
Dear (Name),
(Anecdote about the impact and power of prayer)
Prayer is one of the most beautiful ways to get to know Jesus better and discover what He has in store for us. From my experience, many gifts await us when we take the time to pray with Him.
I invite you to join me on a magnificent journey to deepen our prayer lives. Here, I know you will experience the abundance of God's grace and discover something beautiful and new.
This week, I want to invite you to start the EXAMEN prayer. It's a simple prayer at the end of the day that takes just a minute or so. In this prayer, you reflect on your day, express gratitude to God for the good, and seek His forgiveness for the not-so-good.
If you already do this, try pausing for more intentional moments during the day to pray, such as when you wake up, during your lunch break, or when you leave work at the end of the day.
Resources to help with this first step:
“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Links to above resources:
*For TILMA Parishes, load these resources directly into your own website by updating the URL.
*For other Parishes
The second week, we invite parishioners to intercession prayer.
Dear (Name),
I hope this email finds you well and filled with the love of our Lord.
As you examine your day with Jesus every night, I hope you have discovered more of His grace and deep love for you (here’s the link to praying the Examen if you need a refresher).
In this second week, I want to invite you to embrace distractions. Prayer can come with many obstacles: our mind wandering, kids needing you, busy schedules, lack of sleep, or simply the struggle of sitting in silence.
Any time you experience a distraction, seek intercession for those that go without this distraction or for the person distracting yourself.
If you're comfortable dealing with distractions and are looking for something deeper, why not spend a little extra time with intercessions? Our beloved heavenly Father delights in your petitions and listens to your prayers. Is there anyone you know who needs your intercession?
Your children may need prayers that God can protect their faith, or your loved one needs the courage to persevere through the illness that keeps them bedridden or in hospital. Or you may be looking for a new job and struggling to know what direction to take.
Whatever the case, take time for intercession. Lay your burdens and those of your loved ones at Jesus's feet. In God's time, He will come to your aid.
Resources to help with this second step:
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Dear (Name),
I hope this email finds you well and filled with the love of our Lord.
As you examine your day with Jesus every night, I hope you have discovered more of His grace and deep love for you (here’s the link to praying the Examen if you need a refresher).
In this second week, I want to invite you to embrace distractions. Prayer can come with many obstacles: our mind wandering, kids needing you, busy schedules, lack of sleep, or simply the struggle of sitting in silence.
Any time you experience a distraction, seek intercession for those that go without this distraction or for the person distracting yourself.
If you're comfortable dealing with distractions and are looking for something deeper, why not spend a little extra time with intercessions? Our beloved heavenly Father delights in your petitions and listens to your prayers. Is there anyone you know who needs your intercession?
Your children may need prayers that God can protect their faith, or your loved one needs the courage to persevere through the illness that keeps them bedridden or in hospital. Or you may be looking for a new job and struggling to know what direction to take.
Whatever the case, take time for intercession. Lay your burdens and those of your loved ones at Jesus's feet. In God's time, He will come to your aid.
Resources to help with this second step:
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Invite parishioners to listen for God's voice.
Dear (Name),
My prayers over these past few weeks have been for each of you so that you may experience the abundance of the Lord in your prayer time.
This coming week, let's all make an intentional effort to tune into God's voice. What does His voice sound like? How can we distinguish it from our own thoughts?
God wants to speak to us, but this often takes practice and discernment.
I invite you to watch this video on hearing God's voice. It's part of a three-part workshop series by the Archdiocese of Vancouver in Canada.
If you're looking for more, I would encourage you also to explore praying with scripture and discovering what God might have for you there.
Resources to help with this third step:
If you have any moments with God during this week or moments with Him from the past few weeks that you are excited about, I would love to hear them. Please send our office an email with your story. There is no movement of God that is too small and not worth celebrating!
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Dear (Name),
My prayers over these past few weeks have been for each of you so that you may experience the abundance of the Lord in your prayer time.
This coming week, let's all make an intentional effort to tune into God's voice. What does His voice sound like? How can we distinguish it from our own thoughts?
God wants to speak to us, but this often takes practice and discernment.
I invite you to watch this video on hearing God's voice. It's part of a three-part workshop series by the Archdiocese of Vancouver in Canada.
If you're looking for more, I would encourage you also to explore praying with scripture and discovering what God might have for you there.
Resources to help with this third step:
If you have any moments with God during this week or moments with Him from the past few weeks that you are excited about, I would love to hear them. Please send our office an email with your story. There is no movement of God that is too small and not worth celebrating!
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
In the last week, invite parishioners into an ongoing prayer discipline.
Dear (Name),
What an incredible few weeks. Your willingness to participate and the stories I've heard of how God has shown up in our community have deeply moved me. It's only just begun!
A prayer life is not just a routine; it's an adventure filled with discovery, freedom, and deep rest. It's a journey that can transform your life and your heart. I invite you to dig deep on this journey by building daily and weekly habits to keep these prayer practices alive.
Retaining a habit is not easy! But do not give up. It takes time, trying new things, making mistakes, and often needing help understanding what will work best for you.
If you already have regular prayer practices, I invite you to ask God about other areas He desires to be close to you. Here are some ideas:
Resources for this step:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Dear (Name),
What an incredible few weeks. Your willingness to participate and the stories I've heard of how God has shown up in our community have deeply moved me. It's only just begun!
A prayer life is not just a routine; it's an adventure filled with discovery, freedom, and deep rest. It's a journey that can transform your life and your heart. I invite you to dig deep on this journey by building daily and weekly habits to keep these prayer practices alive.
Retaining a habit is not easy! But do not give up. It takes time, trying new things, making mistakes, and often needing help understanding what will work best for you.
If you already have regular prayer practices, I invite you to ask God about other areas He desires to be close to you. Here are some ideas:
Resources for this step:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
In peace,
(Pastor / Ministry leader)
Draw parishioners into a deeper prayer life and deeper intimacy with Jesus through prayer. Point them towards signing up for an email list where you can send them four emails.
Draw parishioners into a deeper prayer life and deeper intimacy with Jesus through prayer. Point them towards signing up for an email list where you can send them four emails.
Invite parishioners to go deeper in their prayer life.
As your parishioners scan your bulletin for opportunities to grow in their faith, encourage them to check out specific resources around prayer.
As your parishioners scan your bulletin for opportunities to grow in their faith, encourage them to check out specific resources around prayer.
Promote a chance for parishioners to go deeper in prayer life.
Below is the recommended rollout plan and also a list of all the deliverables available to you. This isn’t the only way to do it! But we think it might be really effective.
When should I roll this out?
You can run this journey as a way to prepare parishioners for a certain initiative in your parish. For example, maybe you want to run this before you run the Tithing Journey. You can also run this in the New Year before Lent, or to supplement the Rule of Life or Daily Habits Journey. All the emails can be adjusted to fit the life of your parish!
The beginning stages for this journey are about inviting people in and getting them excited about more intimacy with Jesus. Let people know that as a parish, everyone will be invited into deeper prayer together so to check their inboxes.
Alternatively, you can edit the promotion for an email sign-up and create a separate email list to send to the prayer emails.
The beginning stages for this journey are about inviting people in and getting them excited about more intimacy with Jesus. Let people know that as a parish, everyone will be invited into deeper prayer together so to check their inboxes.
Alternatively, you can edit the promotion for an email sign-up and create a separate email list to send to the prayer emails.
Over the span of four emails, you'll invite parishioners to go a little bit deeper in their prayer life. Each email tackles common obstacles in prayer and includes a simple practice for them to try to integrate into their life. Each email will also include a more challenging practice if they need.
We recommend scheduling the emails over the span of four weeks to give parishioners time to try out the practice and discover the challenges and joys in it.
Over the span of four emails, you'll invite parishioners to go a little bit deeper in their prayer life. Each email tackles common obstacles in prayer and includes a simple practice for them to try to integrate into their life. Each email will also include a more challenging practice if they need.
We recommend scheduling the emails over the span of four weeks to give parishioners time to try out the practice and discover the challenges and joys in it.
In the last email of the previous step, you'll set up parishioners to practice a regular habit of prayer. As they take what they have learned in the different prayer emails and accompanying practices, you can offer them a resource page they can continue to come back to to grow in their prayer life.
In the last email of the previous step, you'll set up parishioners to practice a regular habit of prayer. As they take what they have learned in the different prayer emails and accompanying practices, you can offer them a resource page they can continue to come back to to grow in their prayer life.
Head to our Contact Page and send us a note! We encourage all feedback and suggestions.
Companion is optimized for Tilma, but any parish can implement it using their own set of digital tools!