This journey is an opportunity to invite parishioners to set spiritual disciplines as they make their new year's resolutions. This journey gives parishioners a great foundation and attainable practices from Fr. John O'Brien's The Six Daily Habits For Spiritual Resiliency.
The goal is to inspire and challenge your parish’s personal spiritual life in order to gain deeper resilience and motivation in their relationship with Jesus. This is also a great preamble to invite parishioners into ministry opportunities you want to launch in the new year.
Celebrate New Years with your parishioners, offering them resolution ideas and a prayer. Throughout the month of January, provide resources and encouragement to implement simple but transformational spiritual disciplines.
Celebrate New Years with your parishioners, offering them resolution ideas and a prayer. Throughout the month of January, provide resources and encouragement to implement simple but transformational spiritual disciplines.
Prep parishioners to reflect on their relationship with God.
Begin the new year with a prayer.
During the first weekend of the new year, inspire your parishioners with stories and resources from Behold.
Promote the six daily habits on social media over the span of a few weeks to inspire parishioners in starting simple spiritual disciplines.
Promote the six daily habits on social media over the span of a few weeks to inspire parishioners in starting simple spiritual disciplines.
Invite parishioners to take on simple disciplines as they make resolutions.
Summarize six daily habits for people to easily skim & implement.
Repeat social posts with more details on how to implement daily habits into your life.
Recap the ministry year using photos of your ministries to celebrate what happened in 2024.
Celebrate the New Year!
This book breaks down six, easy-to-impelent steps for someone’s daily discipleship to God. It gives resources to use and ways to integrate into your life.
This book breaks down six, easy-to-impelent steps for someone’s daily discipleship to God. It gives resources to use and ways to integrate into your life.
This book breaks down six, easy-to-impelent steps for someone’s daily discipleship to God. It gives resources to use and ways to integrate into your life.
Request to have a New Years content feed added to your website for those who want to explore more.
Request to have a New Years content feed added to your website for those who want to explore more.
Below is the recommended rollout plan and also a list of all the deliverables available to you. This isn’t the only way to do it! But we think it might be really effective.
This journey is meant to be run for the beginning of the year, starting just a few days before New Years Day. We recommend planning it alongside Christmas initiatives. This journey will pair well with the Rule of Life Journey or the Six Daily Habits Journey after.
The first step is refreshing your website homepage with content that highlights spiritual disciplines and starting the new year well. This is a good chance to also highlight any new programs and ministries in the new year!
The first step is refreshing your website homepage with content that highlights spiritual disciplines and starting the new year well. This is a good chance to also highlight any new programs and ministries in the new year!
Schedule this email and social posts prior to the new year to give them time to prepare. Offer different ways for them to intentionally grow in the coming year. Additionally, you can print off free resources and leave them at the back of the parish for anyone to access.
Schedule this email and social posts prior to the new year to give them time to prepare. Offer different ways for them to intentionally grow in the coming year. Additionally, you can print off free resources and leave them at the back of the parish for anyone to access.
On New Year's Day, send an email with a New Year’s Prayer to your parishioners. As well, provide a reminder of the resources they have available to them: guidebooks, recommended prayer apps, and more. If your parish is running other initiatives like Alpha or studies in the new year, this could also be added to the email.
On New Year's Day, send an email with a New Year’s Prayer to your parishioners. As well, provide a reminder of the resources they have available to them: guidebooks, recommended prayer apps, and more. If your parish is running other initiatives like Alpha or studies in the new year, this could also be added to the email.
As people start the new year and slowly start getting back into (or creating new ones) rhythms, this is a chance to inspire their hearts and encourage them in areas that they may be wrestling with.
As people start the new year and slowly start getting back into (or creating new ones) rhythms, this is a chance to inspire their hearts and encourage them in areas that they may be wrestling with.
Across the first weeks of the year, promote the six daily habits in detail. This leaves room for parishioners to try out a new habit each week.
Across the first weeks of the year, promote the six daily habits in detail. This leaves room for parishioners to try out a new habit each week.